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Interesting Downloads

Training Passport

A copy of a Zingerman’s Bakehouse employee’s passport…

Ari's Writing

One Customer at a Time

At  Zingerman’s we’ve done a lot of work over the past few years to introduce effective measurements to assess the quality of our service work. We do things like mystery shopping, customer callbacks, and track complaints, order accuracy and late deliveries. All have helped us compile data that we use to guage the effectiveness of […]

Interesting Downloads

Accident Report

How we document accidents that happen at work…

Interesting Downloads

Donation Request Form

We believe that a business has an obligation to give back to the community of which it is a part.

Interesting Downloads

Food Safety Test

One of our required staff tests, all about basic food safety.

Interesting Downloads

Code Red

The form we use to document customer complaints and/or requests

Interesting Downloads

Code Green

The form we use to document customer compliments

Open Book Management

Bottom Line Improvements Through Financial Training

If you were to ask your staff how much money your business makes each year, what would they say? I can tell you that when we first started asking our staff that question (about 15 years ago), we got answers that were all over the map — from figures that approximated our annual sales to […]