A Favorite Tool for Greeting Customers: Celebrate 10-4 Day with ZingTrain!
Ask any trainer at ZingTrain what their favorite service tools are, and it’s a safe bet that the 10-4 Rule will be at the top everyone list. It’s a simple, behavioral customer service tool that ensures that every single person who enters your orbit is acknowledged and greeted.
Ask anyone who has attended a ZingTrain service seminar or workshop what their top takeaway is, and the odds are very good that it’s also the 10-4 Rule! An individual can start using it right away, a manager can share the tool with their team and ask them to use it, and an organization can use it as a clear performance expectation.
In this webinar you’ll learn the ins and outs of the 10-4 Rule, how you can adapt it for your own work, and learn from other organizations about the difference that the 10-4 Rule has made.